Every so often a person comes along that epitomizes all that is good about humankind. Sitaram Rao was just such a man, and we are worse for his loss.
Sitaram was a tireless champion for solutions to the challenges associated with poverty. He strove, always with full sincerity and all his might for the betterment of others, never seeking even an iota of glory or recognition. Indeed, he would be embarrassed when an organization offered just a bouquet of flowers as a note of thanks. That Sitaram was seen variously as a father figure, a mentor, a guide, a friend and a thought partner by legions of microfinance practitioners across India (and possibly beyond) is the truest testament to his contribution. We once estimated that he spent on average 25 days per month on the road, visiting the ‘field’, always teaching, but also, always learning.
He was the humblest of men. He could very easily have made millions. But he chose other paths; paths where he felt he could have greatest impact. As another said: “Sitaram Rao was the rock upon which today’s vibrant Indian microfinance industry was built. Through the years, you would not find him in the media spotlight; rather he was the common thread behind the scenes.”
He was a father figure to Unitus in India. Without him the organization would certainly not be where it is today. From the time I met him on my second day on the job, he was also a guide to me personally. The first person I would invariably call to discuss a new idea or get opinions on an organization would be Sitaram Rao. His opinion was respected by one and all.
Rest in peace, good sir. You’ve more than done your share. We will do our best to carry on all your great work.
You can read more at: http://www.microfinancefocus.com/news/?p=167.
Tributes by current and former Unitus employees can be read at: http://unitus.com/news-and-information/latest-updates/features/unitus-mourns-the-loss-of-sitaram-rao/unitus-mourns-loss-of-sitaram-rau.
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